Conceptual Designs

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Problem Statement: Renewable energy such as wind can be inefficient and unpleasant to look at, our purpose will be to engineer more efficient, smaller scale wind energy production that will not impede local landscape views.

Specifications and Requirements:

The design must be of competitive cost and superior production capacity to comparable generation methods, be easily serviceable, have a 10+ year lifespan, withstand 100mph sustained wind, and have a more desirable appearance.  The system will need to generate on average 28.9 kWh per day and will require a base operating wind load of 5mph.


The user wants an aesthetically pleasing, autonomous, on-site renewable energy production system.


Link to Matrix: Decision MatrixLinks to an external site.

Relating the information to the Matrix:

Ease of Use and Installation: A vertical windmill is mounted at ground level, so a small cement block or anchors can be used to mount to the ground, in some cases a guy wire is needed to secure the tower. Some smaller premade units can be installed with limited special tools giving the Vertical a (5). The Shrouded horizontal wind turbine was given a (2) because of the height requirements. The Tower, at least 100ft high, requires on average 8 cu. Yards of cement to secure the turbine, creating a permanent fixture. This also requires the use of a large crane for installation.

Generation efficiency: A vertical wind turbine is not as refined as a horizontal at this current stage and leads to lower operating efficiencies, however the turbines work better at lower ground level and are omnidirectional. This means no matter which way the wind is blowing it will be generating power. Typically, the cut in windspeed is 2.5m/s. With all of this factored it gives the vertical a rating of (3). The Shrouded Horizontal turbine is the ideal candidate for efficiency. The shroud is bell mouthed directing more air into the inlet of the turbine, thus giving a score of (5)

Life span: The vertical wind turbine lives on the ground so this means that maintenance is much more accessible and can be repaired much easier giving a score of (4). The horizontal unit while in the air at over 100ft, does not have as much rotating mass due to smaller rotors, meaning less maintenance, however it is still suspended leaving a score of (4).

Aesthetics: One of the main factors in design is that surrounding skyline views would not be impeded, this leaves the horizontal wind turbine is a difficult spot, because in order to have reliable performance the turbine needs to be suspended at least 100ft in the air, this leads to a (3). A vertical however can be mounted under 50ft and while the real-estate is somewhat substantial it carries a smaller foot print than a horizontal unit. To power a typical house at 28.9Kw/Hr a day (the avg for American households) it would take a unit 4.4m in diameter and 15m high where as a horizontal unit would require a large amount of cement and a large tower carrying the turbine. The fact the vertical will not block neighboring homes and views is why it has earned (5) in the rankings.

Design and Production Cost: Vertical wind turbines are less expensive to build because they do not require the same level of exotic materials needed in a horizontal unit carrying the load 100ft above the ground. The shear forces contained in a vertical unit are much less due to not having a side loaded support tower, which means less expensive manufacturing, this earns the vertical a (5). Where as a horizontal unit requires lightweight and strong materials that are guaranteed to last years and years which drives the overall cost up, this leads to a (3).

FRDPARRC link to an external site.

Lessons Learned:

  • Understand what you are making does not have to be complicated
  • If something is misunderstood go back to the basics


Walker Bond ( )

Activities Date and Time: 

9/17/2021 14:00-16:00 Create group/brainstorm ideas

9/20/2021 13:30-16:00 Create solidified purpose

9/29/2021 16:00-23:30 Add Info to E-profile, Create Gantt Chart, Sketch Ideas, Research Topics More In depth

10/04/2021 16:00-20:00 Create a defined decision matrix

10/06/2021 07:00-10:00 research different turbines

10/13/2021 12:15-13:00 Talk to Dr. Fagan regarding forces on wind turbines

10/13-14/2021 18:00-01:30- Complete research, sketches and canvas update

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